Sunday, May 6, 2012

How to upgrade the video card for notebook to qualified the minimum requirement for Window Vista?

Notebook/laptop graphics are integrated with the motherboard and therefore connot be swapped. You can however have the motherboard swapped for one with a Vista ready chipset.

If you are one of those people (I am) that likes to tinker with things though, DON'T. Notebooks have notoriously hard to open cases, several of the components are actually linked to the case (open the case too vigorously, for example, and you'll rip the keyboard data ribbon loose, possibly damageing it). Notebook repairs/upgrades where the case needs to be opened should always be carried out by a qualified person.

The only other (much more expensive) option you have is to replace the notebook with one that's Vista ready.|||You haven't said which notebook you have (MacBook, perhaps?) Usually you can't - you'll have to buy a new laptop.|||i dont think that's possible. The card is integraded with the main board of the notebook.|||You'd have to buy a new piece of hardware, something like ATI or AMD. It's gonna cost some $ and you'll probably have to get a professional to install it. Sorry if that's not very helpful, but that's all I've got.|||Unless you have a very high end gaming laptop, the chance of you being able to upgrade a graphics card in a laptop are non-existent.

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